The flora and fauna thought it was still spring though.

These are arrowleaf balsam.

The Canadian Geese stop off here to nest and there were two flushes of goslings in the day use area--little guys and itty bitty guys.

The parents would shoo the itty bitty guys into the water anytime there was any noise out on the lake.

One afternoon we went and visited Grand Coulee Dam just a few miles north of where we were camping. There's a nice visitors center and a great view of the dam.

This panorama took 4 photos just so you could see it all.
The next day we went kayaking and watched the fisherman cast for bass off the walls of the canyons and wound our way amongst the rocks looking at little wild flowers which were lovely but not very photogenic.
On our drive home we took a detour up to Mansfield where there are great examples of the 'accidentals' that the great Missoula Floods dropped miles from their sources as the huge floods created the channeled scab lands of the eastern Washington. This guy was right next to the road. He's about 4 stories high and clearly from the basalt escarpment a good 25 miles away.
Here he is with a smaller fellow who's pretty darned big on his own.